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--! PDP8 Processor
--! \brief
--! Processor
--! \details
--! I hope you like state machines because this is implemented as one big
--! state machine.
--! \file
--! cpu.vhd
--! \author
--! Rob Doyle - doyle (at) cox (dot) net
-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Rob Doyle
-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
-- that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any
-- derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
-- disclaimer.
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License.
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with this source; if not, download it from
-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt
-- Comments are formatted for doxygen
library ieee; --! IEEE Library
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --! IEEE 1164
use ieee.numeric_std.all; --! IEEE Numeric Standard
use work.cpu_types.all;
-- synthesis translate_off
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use work.pck_fio.all;
-- synthesis translate_on
--! eCPU Entity
entity eCPU is port (
sys : in sys_t; --! Clock/Reset
swCPU : in swCPU_t; --! CPU Configuration
swOPT : in swOPT_t; --! Options Configuration
swDATA : in swDATA_t; --! Data Switch Inputs
swCNTL : in swCNTL_t; --! Control Switch Inputs
dev : in dev_t; --! Device Output
cpu : out cpu_t --! CPU Output
end eCPU;
--! eCPU RTL
architecture rtl of eCPU is
-- Registers
signal LAC : ldata_t; --! Link and Accumulator
alias L : std_logic is LAC (0); --! Link Bit
alias AC : data_t is LAC(1 to 12); --! Accumulator
signal IR : data_t; --! Instruction Register
signal PC : addr_t; --! Program Counter
signal MA : addr_t; --! Memory Address Register
signal MB : data_t; --! Memory Buffer (output)
signal MD : data_t; --! Memory Data Register (input)
signal MQ : data_t; --! MQ Register
signal MQA : data_t; --! MQA Register
signal SC : sc_t; --! SC Register
signal SP1 : addr_t; --! Stack Pointer
signal SP2 : addr_t; --! Stack Pointer
signal SR : data_t; --! Switch Register
-- Register Operation
signal acOP : acOP_t; --! AC operation
signal pcOP : pcOP_t; --! PC operation
signal irOP : irOP_t; --! IR operation
signal maOP : maOP_t; --! MA operation
signal mbOP : mbOP_t; --! MB operation
signal mqOP : mqOP_t; --! MQ operation
signal mqaOP : mqaOP_t; --! MQA operation
signal scOP : scOP_t; --! SC operation
signal sp1OP : spOP_t; --! SP1 operation
signal sp2OP : spOP_t; --! SP2 operation
signal srOP : srOP_t; --! SR operation
-- Memory Extension Control Registers
signal IB : field_t; --! Instruction Buffer
signal INF : field_t; --! Instruction Field
signal DF : field_t; --! Data Field
signal SF : sf_t; --! Save Field
signal UB : std_logic; --! User Buffer Flag
signal UF : std_logic; --! User Flag
-- Memory Extension Control Register Operations
signal ibOP : ibOP_t; --! IB operation
signal ifOP : ifOP_t; --! IF operation
signal dfOP : dfOP_t; --! DF operation
signal sfOP : sfOP_t; --! SF operation
signal ubOP : ubOP_t; --! User Buffer operation
signal ufOP : ufOP_t; --! USER Flag operation
signal IRQ : std_logic; --! IRQ Flag
signal BTSTRP : std_logic; --! BTSTRP Flag
signal btstrpOP : btstrpOP_t; --! BTSTRP operation
-- The Control Panel Flip-Flop (CTRLFF), is set when the CPREQ is granted.
-- CTRLFF prevents further CPREQs from being granted, bypasses the
-- interrupt enable system and redefines several of the internal control
-- instructions. As long as the CTRLFF is set, LXPAR is used for all
-- instruction, direct data and indirect pointer references. Also, while
-- CTRLFF is set, the INTGNT line is held inactive but the Interrupt Grant
-- Flip Flop is not cleared. IOTs executed while CTRLFF is set do not clear
-- the Interrupt grant flip flop.
signal CTRLFF : std_logic; --! CTRLFF
signal ctrlffOP : ctrlffOP_t; --! CTRLFF operation
-- EAE:
-- EAE Long Operations
signal EAE : eae_t; --! EAE Register
signal eaeOP : eaeOP_t; --! EAE operation
-- The EMODE bit is set at reset and is set by the SWAB and cleared by the
-- SWBA instructions. This enables EAE Mode A and EAE Mode B instructions.
signal EMODE : std_logic; --! EAE Mode
signal emodeOP : emodeOP_t; --! EAE Mode operation
-- FZ:
-- The Force Zero Flag (FZ) is used to implement Extended memory operations
-- for Panel Mode instructions. When set, forces control panel instruction
-- field access to field zero. Indirect data accesses are not affected.
signal FZ : std_logic; --! Force Zero
signal fzOP : fzOP_t; --! FZ operation
-- The HLTTRP flip-flop allows the cpu to single step through code.
-- The HLTTRP flip-flop is set by a HLT instruction.
signal HLTTRP : std_logic; --! HLTTRP Flip-Flop
signal hlttrpOP : hlttrpOP_t; --! HLTTRP operation
-- GTF:
signal GTF : std_logic; --! Greater than Flag
signal gtfOP : gtfOP_t; --! GTF operation
-- ID:
-- The Interrupt Enable Delay Flip-Flop (ID) delays the effect of the ION
-- instruction until the instruction after the ION instruction has executed.
-- This will allow a return from interrupt to be executed before the next
-- interrupt request is serviced.
signal ID : std_logic; --! ION Delay Flip-flop
signal idOP : idOP_t; --! ION Delay Operation
-- IE:
-- The Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop (IE) enables and disables interrupts.
signal IE : std_logic; --! Interrupt Enable
signal ieOP : ieOP_t; --! IE operation
-- II:
-- The Interrupt Inhibit (II) Flip-Flop is set whenever there is an
-- instruction executed that could change the Instruction Field. These
-- include CIF, CDI, RMF, RTF, CAF, CUF, SUF. The II Flip-Flop is
-- cleared when the next JMP, JMS, RTN1, or RTN2 instruction is executed.
-- This prevents an interrupt from occuring between the CIF (or like)
-- instruction and the return (or like) instruction.
signal II : std_logic; -- Interrupt Inhibit Flip-Flop
signal iiOP : iiOP_t; -- Interrupt Inhibit Operation
-- PDF:
-- The Panel Data Flag (PDF) is used to contol whether indirectly addressed
-- data references by Control Panel AND, TAD, ISZ or DCA instructions
-- reference panel memory or main memory. If PDF is set, this flag causes
-- indirect references from control panel memory to address control panel
-- memory by asserting LXPAR. If PDF is cleared, this flag causes indirect
-- references from control panel memory to address main memory by asserting
-- LXMAR. The PDF is cleared unconditionally whenever the panel mode is
-- entered for any reason. It is also cleared by the Clear Panel Data
-- (CPD) instruction. The PDF is set by the Set Panel Data (SPD)
-- instruction. The state of the Panel Data flag is ignored when not
-- operating in panel mode.
signal PDF : std_logic; --! Panel Data Flag
signal pdfOP : pdfOP_t; --! PDF operation
-- PEX:
-- The Panel Exit Delay (PEX) Flip-Flop is set by the PEX instruction.
-- When a JMP, JMS, RET1, or RET2 instruction is executed with the PEX
-- Flip-Flop set, the CPU will exit panel mode. The PEX Flip-Flop is
-- cleared by the JMP, JMS, RET1, or RET2 instruction.
signal PEX : std_logic; -- PEX Flip-Flop
signal pexOP : pexOP_t; -- PEX Operation
-- A Panel Trap is one of the many ways to enter panel mode. The Panel Trap
-- Flip-Flop (PNLTRP) is set by any of the PR0, PR1, PR2, PR3 instructions.
-- The PNLTRP flag can be examined and cleared by the PRS instruction.
signal PNLTRP : std_logic; --! PNLTRP Flag
signal pnltrpOP : pnltrpOP_t; --! PNLTRP operation
-- The Power-On Trap Flip-Flop (PWRTRP) is set when STRTUP is negated during
-- RESET, The Power-On Flip-Flop (PWRTRP) is reset by a PRS or PEX
-- instruction.
signal PWRTRP : std_logic; --! PWRTRP Flip-Flop
signal pwrtrpOP : pwrtrpOP_t; --! PWRTRP operation
-- User Mode Trap.
signal USRTRP : std_logic; --! USR Interrupt
signal usrtrpOP : usrtrpOP_t; --! USR Interrupt operation
-- XMA
signal XMA : field_t; --! XMA Register
signal xmaOP : xmaOP_t; --! XMA operation
-- Bus Control Signals
signal busb : busOP_t; --! Bus Operation output
signal busOP : busOP_t; --! Bus Operation input
signal ioclrb : std_logic; --! IOCLR register output
signal ioclrOP : std_logic; --! IOCLR register input
signal wrb : std_logic; --! WR signal register input
signal wrOP : std_logic; --! WR signal register output
signal rdb : std_logic; --! RD signal register output
signal rdOP : std_logic; --! RD signal register input
signal ifetchb : std_logic; --! IFETCH signal register output
signal ifetchOP : std_logic; --! IFETCH signal register input
signal datafb : std_logic; --! DATAF signal register output
signal datafOP : std_logic; --! DATAF signal register input
signal lxdarb : std_logic; --! LXDAR signal register output
signal lxdarOP : std_logic; --! LXDAR signal register input
signal lxmarb : std_logic; --! LXMAR signal register output
signal lxmarOP : std_logic; --! LXMAR signal register input
signal lxparb : std_logic; --! LXPAR signal register output
signal lxparOP : std_logic; --! LXPAR signal register input
signal memselb : std_logic; --! MEMSEL signal register output
signal memselOP : std_logic; --! MEMSEL signal register input
signal intgntb : std_logic; --! INTGNT signal register output
signal dmagnt : std_logic; --! DMAGNT signal register input
signal intgntOP : std_logic; --! INTGNT signal register input
signal waitfb : std_logic; --! WAITF signal register output
signal waitfOP : std_logic; --! WAITF signal register input
signal oops : std_logic;
-- State Information
type state_t is (
-- MRI States
-- IOT states
-- Stack Operation States
-- OPR Groups
-- Front Panel States
-- EAE States
-- HALT states
signal state : state_t;
signal nextState : state_t;
constant maAutoIncr : std_logic_vector(3 to 11) := o"001";
-- Output files for state dumpState
-- synthesis translate_off
file FIL : text is out "STD_OUTPUT";
file STDOUT : text is out "STD_OUTPUT";
--file FIL : text is out "trace.txt";
-- synthesis translate_on
-- vectorize
function vectorize(s: std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
variable v: std_logic_vector(0 to 0);
v(0) := s;
return v;
-- dumpState()
procedure dumpState(PC : in addr_t) is
-- synthesis translate_off
variable LIN : line;
-- synthesis translate_on
-- synthesis translate_off
write (LIN, string'("ST:"));
write (LIN, string'(" PC="));
owrite(LIN, PC);
write (LIN, string'(", IR="));
owrite(LIN, IR);
write (LIN, string'(", LAC="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & LAC);
write (LIN, string'(", MQ="));
owrite(LIN, MQ);
write (LIN, string'(", SR="));
owrite(LIN, SR);
write (LIN, string'(", IF="));
owrite(LIN, INF);
write (LIN, string'(", DF="));
owrite(LIN, DF);
write (LIN, string'(", IB="));
owrite(LIN, IB);
write (LIN, string'(", UB="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(UB));
write (LIN, string'(", UF="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(UF));
write (LIN, string'(", USF="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & SF(0 to 0));
write (LIN, string'(", ISF="));
owrite(LIN, SF(1 to 3));
write (LIN, string'(", DSF="));
owrite(LIN, SF(4 to 6));
write (LIN, string'(", SC="));
owrite(LIN, '0' & SC);
write (LIN, string'(", GTF="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(GTF));
write (LIN, string'(", EMODE="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(EMODE));
write (LIN, string'(", IEFF="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(IE));
write (LIN, string'(", IDFF="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(ID));
write (LIN, string'(", IIFF="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(II));
write (LIN, string'(", IRQ="));
owrite(LIN, "00" & vectorize(IRQ));
write (LIN, string'(", SP1="));
owrite(LIN, SP2);
write (LIN, string'(", SP2="));
owrite(LIN, SP1);
write (LIN, string'("; MA=00000"));
--owrite(LIN, XMA & MA);
writeline(FIL, LIN);
-- synthesis translate_on
end dumpState;
-- dispHALT
procedure dispHALT(signal PC : in addr_t) is
-- synthesis translate_off
variable LIN : line;
-- synthesis translate_on
-- synthesis translate_off
write (LIN, string'("CPU Halted at PC = "));
owrite(LIN, PC);
writeline(STDOUT, LIN);
-- synthesis translate_on
end dispHALT;
-- dispCONT
procedure dispCONT(signal PC : in addr_t) is
-- synthesis translate_off
variable LIN : line;
-- synthesis translate_on
-- synthesis translate_off
write (LIN, string'("CPU Continued at PC = "));
owrite(LIN, PC);
writeline(STDOUT, LIN);
-- synthesis translate_on
end dispCONT;
IRQ <= '1' when ((dev.intr = '1') or
(USRTRP = '1' and swOPT.TSD = '0') or
(usrtrpOP = usrtrpopSET and swOPT.TSD = '0')) else '0';
-- ALU
iALU : entity work.eALU (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
acOP => acOP,
IE => IE,
DF => DF,
IR => IR,
MA => MA,
MD => MD,
MQ => MQ,
SC => SC,
SF => SF,
SP1 => SP1,
SP2 => SP2,
SR => SR,
UF => UF,
iCTRLFF : entity work.eCTRLFF (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
ctrlffOP => ctrlffOP,
-- EAE Register
iEAE : entity work.eEAE (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
eaeOP => eaeOP,
MD => MD,
MQ => MQ,
AC => AC,
-- EAE Mode A
iEMODE : entity work.eEMODE (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
emodeOP => emodeOP,
-- FZ Flip Flop
iFZ : entity work.eFZ (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
fzOP => fzOP,
FZ => FZ
-- GTF
iGTF : entity work.eGTF (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
gtfOP => gtfOP,
AC => AC,
iHLTTRP : entity work.eHLTTRP (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
hlttrpOP => hlttrpOP,
-- Program Counter (PC)
iPC : entity work.ePC (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
pcOP => pcOP,
IR => IR,
MA => MA,
MB => MB,
MD => MD,
SR => SR,
PC => PC
-- Multiplier Quotient Register (MQ)
iMQ : entity work.eMQ (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
mqOP => mqOP,
AC => AC,
MD => MD,
MQ => MQ
-- Auxillary Multiplier Quotient Register (MQA)
iMQA : entity work.eMQA (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
mqaOP => mqaOP,
MQ => MQ,
-- Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop
iIE : entity work.eIE (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
ieOP => ieOP,
IE => IE
-- Interrupt Inhibit Flip-Flop
iII : entity work.eII (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
iiOP => iiOP,
II => II
-- USRTRP Flip-Flop
iUSRTRP : entity work.eUSRTRP (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
usrtrpOP => usrtrpOP,
-- Instruction Register (IR)
iIR: entity work.eIR (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
irOP => irOP,
MD => MD,
IR => IR
-- Memory Address Register (MA)
iMA : entity work.eMA (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
maOP => maOP,
IR => IR,
MB => MB,
MD => MD,
PC => PC,
SP1 => SP1,
SP2 => SP2,
SR => SR,
MA => MA
-- Memory Buffer Register (MB)
iMB : entity work.eMB (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
mbOP => mbOP,
AC => AC,
MA => MA,
MD => MD,
MQ => MQ,
PC => PC,
SR => SR,
MB => MB
-- Instruction Buffer Address Extension Register (IB)
iIB : entity work.eIB (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
ibOP => ibOP,
SF => SF,
AC => AC,
IR => IR,
IB => IB
-- Instruction Field Address Extension Register (IF/INF)
iIF : entity work.eIF (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
ifOP => ifOP,
IB => IB,
SR => SR,
-- ION Delay Flip-Flop
iID : entity work.eID (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
idOP => idOP,
ID => ID
-- Data Field Address Extension Register (DF)
iDF : entity work.eDF (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
dfOP => dfOP,
AC => AC,
IR => IR,
SF => SF,
SR => SR,
DF => DF
-- BTSTRP Flip-Flop
iBTSTRP : entity work.eBTSTRP (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
btstrpOP => btstrpOP,
-- PDF Flip-Flop
iPDF : entity work.ePDF (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
pdfOP => pdfOP,
-- PEX Flip-Flop
iPEX : entity work.ePEX (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
pexOP => pexOP,
-- PNLTRP Flip-Flop
iPNLTRP : entity work.ePNLTRP (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
pnltrpOP => pnltrpOP,
-- PWRTRP Flip-Flop
-- When set during reset, the unit will enter panel mode before executing
-- the first instruction.
iPWRTRP : entity work.ePWRTRP (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
pwrtrpOP => pwrtrpOP,
-- SC
-- Step Counter
iSC : entity work.eeSC (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
scOP => scOP,
AC => AC,
MD => MD,
SC => SC
-- SF
-- Save Field Address Extension Register (SF)
iSF : entity work.eSF (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
sfOP => sfOP,
DF => DF,
IB => IB,
UB => UB,
SF => SF
-- SP1
-- Stack Pointer #1
iSP1 : entity work.eSP (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
spOP => sp1OP,
AC => AC,
SP => SP1
-- SP2
-- Stack Pointer #2
iSP2: entity work.eSP (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
spOP => sp2OP,
AC => AC,
SP => SP2
-- SR
-- Switch Register
iSR : entity work.eSR (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
swCPU => swCPU,
srOP => srOP,
AC => AC,
SRD => swDATA,
SR => SR
-- UB
-- User Buffer Flag
iUB : entity work.eUB (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
ubOP => ubOP,
AC5 => AC(5),
SF0 => SF(0),
UB => UB
-- UF
-- User Flag
iUF : entity work.eUF (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
ufOP => ufOP,
UB => UB,
UF => UF
-- XMA
-- XMA is disabled by disabling the KM8E option
iXMA : entity work.eXMA (rtl) port map (
sys => sys,
xmaOP => xmaOP,
sWCPU => swCPU,
DF => DF,
IB => IB,
-- Next State Decoder
process(swOPT, dev, IRQ, state, USRTRP, AC, L, MQA,
swCNTL.halt, swCNTL.clear, swCNTL.exam, swCNTL.dep, swCNTL.lock,
swCNTL.step, swCNTL.cont, swCNTL.loadADDR, swCNTL.loadEXTD)
variable EAEIR : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
-- Control signal defaults
busOP <= busopNOP;
ioclrOP <= '0';
wrOP <= '0';
rdOP <= '0';
ifetchOP <= '0';
datafOP <= '0';
lxdarOP <= '0';
memselOP <= '0';
intgntOP <= '0';
-- Operation defaults
acOP <= acopNOP;
busOP <= busopNOP;
btstrpOP <= btstrpopNOP;
ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopNOP;
dfOP <= dfopNOP;
eaeOP <= eaeopNOP;
emodeOP <= emodeopNOP;
fzOP <= fzopNOP;
gtfOP <= gtfopNOP;
hlttrpOP <= hlttrpopNOP;
idOP <= idopNOP;
ieOP <= ieopNOP;
iiOP <= iiopNOP;
ibOP <= ibopNOP;
ifOP <= ifopNOP;
irOP <= iropNOP;
maOP <= maopNOP;
mbOP <= mbopNOP;
mqOP <= mqopNOP;
mqaOP <= mqaopNOP;
pcOP <= pcopNOP;
pdfOP <= pdfopNOP;
pexOP <= pexopNOP;
pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopNOP;
pwrtrpOP <= pwrtrpopNOP;
scOP <= scopNOP;
sfOP <= sfopNOP;
sp1OP <= spopNOP;
sp2OP <= spopNOP;
srOP <= sropNOP;
ubOP <= ubopNOP;
ufOP <= ufopNOP;
usrtrpOP <= usrtrpopNOP;
xmaOP <= xmaopNOP;
-- Default Next State
nextState <= stateLALA;
-- BTSTRP set when CPREQ is asserted
if dev.cpreq = '1' and swCPU = swHD6120 then
btstrpOP <= btstrpOPSET;
end if;
-- The State Machine
case state is
-- Reset State
when stateRESET =>
busOP <= busopRESET;
nextState <= stateInit;
-- Startup States
when stateInit =>
if swCPU = swHD6120 then
-- HD6120 Mode with STARTUP asserted.
-- Boot to front panel mode (PC=7777)
if swOPT.STARTUP = '1' then
pwrtrpOP <= pwrtrpopSET;
nextState <= stateCheckReq;
-- HD6120 Mode with STARTUP negated.
-- Begin executing at PC=0000
pwrtrpOP <= pwrtrpopCLR;
nextState <= stateCheckReq;
end if;
-- PDP8 Mode with STARTUP asserted.
-- Set PC to contents of switch register and start
-- execution.
if swOPT.STARTUP = '1' then
pcOP <= pcopSR;
nextState <= stateFetchAddr;
-- PDP8 Mode with STARTUP negated.
-- Start in HALT state. User must interact with front
-- panel.
nextState <= stateHalt;
end if;
end if;
-- This state occurs at the very top of the processing loop.
-- The priority hierarchy is:
-- 1. RESET - Clears Accummulator and Link registers and clears the
-- RUN output signal.
-- 2. CPREQ - If not RESET and CPREQ is asserted, the processor
-- enters Panel Mode.
-- 3. RUN/HLT - If neither RESET or CPREQ is asserted and HLT is
-- asserted (HLTFLAG = '1'), the processor should enter
-- the HALT state and the end of the current cycle.
-- 4. DEV.INTR - If no higher priority signal is asserted and IRQ is
-- asserted an interrup may be processed.
when stateCheckReq =>
-- HD6120:
-- Panel mode is entered because of the occurrence of any of
-- four events. Each of these events sets a status flag, as
-- well as causing the entry into panel mode. It should be
-- noted that more than one event might happen simultaneously.
-- These events are:
-- 1. PWRTRP - Power-up Trap
-- 2. PNLTRP - Panel Trap
-- 3. HLTTRP - HLT insruction
-- 4. BTSTRP - CPREQ asserted.
-- 5. Not already in panel mode
-- When a panel request is granted, the PC is stored in
-- location 0000 of the control panel memory and the CPU
-- resumes operation at location 7777 (octal) of the panel
-- memory. During the PC write, 0 appears on EMA0, EMA1 and
-- EMA2. The states of the IB, IF/INF, OF, ISF and DSF
-- registers are not disturbed by entry into the control
-- panel mode but execution is forced to commence in field
-- zero.
-- See also description of ID, IE, and II.
if (((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (PWRTRP = '1')) or
((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (PNLTRP = '1')) or
((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (BTSTRP = '1')) or
((swCPU = swHD6120) and (ID = '0') and (II = '0') and (CTRLFF = '0') and (HLTTRP = '1'))) then
ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopSET;
fzOP <= fzopSET;
pdfOP <= pdfopCLR;
maOP <= maop0000;
mbOP <= mbopPC;
pcOP <= pcop7777;
xmaOP <= xmaopCLR;
busOP <= busopWRZF;
assert false report "---------------------> Panel Trap <---------------------" severity note;
nextState <= stateFetchAddr;
-- HALT Mode is entered if the HLTTRP is set or the RUN/HALT
-- Switch is in the HALT position.
elsif (((swCPU /= swHD6120) and (HLTTRP = '1')) or
((swCPU /= swHD6120) and (swCNTL.halt = '1') and (swCNTL.lock = '0')) or
((swCPU /= swHD6120) and (swCNTL.step = '1') and (swCNTL.lock = '0'))) then
hlttrpOP <= hlttrpopCLR;
nextState <= stateHalt;
-- Interrupt Request
-- When an External Interrupt is asserted, the following occurs:
-- 1. The PC is stored in location 0000 of field 0.
-- 2. The Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop (IE) is disabled
-- which precludes automatically nested interupts.
-- 3. The INTGNT signal is is asserted.
-- 4. UF, IF/INF, DF is loaded into SF.
-- 5. IF/INF is cleared.
-- 6. IB is cleared.
-- 7. DF is cleared.
-- 8. UF is cleared.
-- 9. UB is cleared.
-- 10. The PC is set to "0001" of main memory field 0 so
-- that the next instruction is fetched from there.
-- See also description of ID, IE, and II.
elsif (IRQ = '1') and (ID = '0') and (IE = '1') and (II = '0') then
intgntOP <= '1';
maOP <= maop0000;
mbOP <= mbopPC;
ieOP <= ieopCLR;
sfOP <= sfopUBIBDF;
dfOP <= dfopCLR;
ifOP <= ifopCLR;
ibOP <= ibopCLR;
ufOP <= ufopCLR;
ubOP <= ubopCLR;
pcOP <= pcop0001;
xmaOP <= xmaopCLR;
busOP <= busopWRZF;
assert false report "---------------------> Interrupt <---------------------" severity note;
nextState <= stateFetchAddr;
-- No interrupts, halt, single step, or anthing else.
-- Just start to fetch the next instruction.
nextState <= stateFetchAddr;
end if;
-- HALT State
-- An HD6120 will never get to this state since halts are trapped
-- by the front panel.
when stateHalt =>
-- Continue Switch Pressed
if ((swCNTL.cont = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0') or
(swCNTL.step = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0')) then
nextState <= stateContinue;
-- Load Address Switch Pressed
-- This sets MA and PC to the contents of the switch register.
-- MA <- SR
-- PC <- SR
elsif swCNTL.loadADDR = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
pcOP <= pcopSR;
maOP <= maopSR;
nextState <= stateLoadADDR;
-- Load Extended Address Switch Pressed
-- This sets IF and DF to the contents of the switch register.
-- IF <- SR[6:8]
-- DF <- SR[9:11]
elsif swCNTL.loadEXTD = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
ifOP <= ifopSR6to8;
dfOP <= dfopSR9to11;
nextState <= stateLoadEXTD;
-- Clear Switch Pressed
elsif swCNTL.clear = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
acOP <= acopCLACLL;
mqOP <= mqopCLR;
ifOP <= ifopCLR;
dfOP <= dfopCLR;
sp1OP <= spopCLR;
sp2OP <= spopCLR;
gtfOP <= gtfopCLR;
emodeOP <= emodeopCLR;
ieOP <= ieopCLR;
idOP <= idopSET;
usrtrpOP <= usrtrpopCLR;
busOP <= busopIOCLR;
nextState <= stateClear;
-- Examine Switch Pressed
-- This loads the contents of the memory location addressed by
-- the MA register into the MD register and increments the MA
-- and PC registers.
-- MD <- MEM[IF'MA]
elsif swCNTL.exam = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
maOP <= maopPC;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateExamineReadAddr;
-- Deposit Switch Pressed
-- This writes the contents of the Switch Register into the
-- memory location addressed by the MA register.
-- MEM[IF'MA] <- SR
elsif swCNTL.dep = '1' and swCNTL.lock = '0' then
maOP <= maopPC;
mbOP <= mbopSR;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopWRIF;
nextState <= stateDepositWriteData;
nextState <= stateHalt;
end if;
-- Wait for Continue button to negate
when stateContinue =>
if swCNTL.cont = '1' then
nextState <= stateContinue;
nextState <= stateFetchAddr;
end if;
-- Wait for LoadADDR button to negate
when stateLoadADDR =>
if swCNTL.loadADDR = '1' then
nextState <= stateLoadADDR;
nextState <= stateHaltDone;
end if;
-- Wait for LoadEXTD button to negate
when stateLoadEXTD =>
if swCNTL.loadEXTD = '1' then
nextState <= stateLoadEXTD;
nextState <= stateHaltDone;
end if;
-- Wait for Clear button to negate
when stateClear =>
if swCNTL.clear = '1' then
nextState <= stateClear;
nextState <= stateHaltDone;
end if;
-- Examine Read Addr
-- This is the address phase of the read cycle.
-- MD <- MEM[IF'MA]
when stateExamineReadAddr =>
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFdata;
nextState <= stateExamineReadData;
-- Examine Read Data
-- This is the data phase of the read cycle.
-- At the end of this cycle, MD will have the data that was read.
-- This state increments the PC and MA register after the examine.
-- MD <- MEM[IF'MA]
-- MA <- MA + 1
-- PC <- PC + 1
when stateExamineReadData =>
maOP <= maopINC;
pcOP <= pcopINC;
nextState <= stateExamine;
-- Wait for Examine button to negate
when stateExamine =>
if swCNTL.exam = '1' then
nextState <= stateExamine;
nextState <= stateHaltDone;
end if;
-- This cycle writes data to memory. Once written
-- this state increments PC and MA.
-- MA <- MA + 1
-- PC <- PC + 1
when stateDepositWriteData =>
maOP <= maopINC;
pcOP <= pcopINC;
nextState <= stateDeposit;
-- Wait for Deposit button to negate
when stateDeposit =>
if swCNTL.dep = '1' then
nextState <= stateDeposit;
nextState <= stateHaltDone;
end if;
-- Update Front Panel display
when stateHaltDone =>
nextState <= stateHalt;
-- Begin Instruction Fetch. Perform Read Address Cycle.
-- MA <- PC
-- MD <- MEM[IF'MA]
when stateFetchAddr =>
maOP <= maopPC;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopFETCHaddr;
nextState <= stateFetchData;
-- Continue Instruction Fetch. Perform Read Data Cycle.
-- The Interrupt Enable Delay Flip-Flop (ID) is cleared.
-- If the ID was set at the beginning of this instruction,
-- an interrupt, if present, was deferred. We clear it now.
-- Therefore this instruction will complete and then that
-- interrupt, if present, will be recognized.
-- MD <- MEM[IF'MA]
when stateFetchData =>
pcOP <= pcopINC;
idOP <= idopCLR;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopFETCHdata;
nextState <= stateLoadIR;
-- Load IR with the instruction that was fetched.
-- Note: This state is a wasted state. We could have decoded the MD
-- and loaded the IR simultaneously.
-- IR <- MD
when stateLoadIR =>
irOP <= iropMD;
nextState <= stateDecodeInstruction;
-- Decode Instruction in IR
when stateDecodeInstruction =>
-- Default Next State
nextState <= stateLALA;
-- Parse OPCODE
case IR(0 to 2) is
-- AND Instruction
when opAND =>
case IR(3 to 4) is
-- AND, direct, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amDZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- AND, direct, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amDC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- AND, indirect, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amIZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- AND, indirect, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amIC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- Everthing else
when others =>
end case;
-- TAD Instruction
when opTAD =>
case IR(3 to 4) is
-- TAD, direct, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amDZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- TAD, direct, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amDC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- TAD, indirect, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amIZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- TAD, indirect, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amIC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- Everything else
when others =>
end case;
-- ISZ Instruction
when opISZ =>
case IR(3 to 4) is
-- ISZ, direct, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amDZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- ISZ, direct, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amDC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- ISZ, indirect, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amIZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- ISZ, indirect, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amIC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- Everything else
when others =>
end case;
when opDCA =>
case IR(3 to 4) is
-- DCA, direct, zero page. Start Write Cycle
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amDZ =>
wrOP <= '1';
acOP <= acopCLA;
maOP <= maopZP;
mbOP <= mbopAC;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateDone;
-- DCA, direct, curr page. Start Write Cycle
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amDC =>
wrOP <= '1';
acOP <= acopCLA;
maOP <= maopCP;
mbOP <= mbopAC;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateDone;
-- DCA, indirect, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle.
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amIZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- DCA, indirect, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle.
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amIC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- Everything else
when others =>
end case;
-- JMS Instruction
when opJMS =>
-- The II Flip-Flop is cleared.
-- The FZ Flip-Flop is cleared
iiOP <= iiopCLR;
fzOP <= fzopCLR;
case IR(3 to 4) is
-- JMS, direct, zero page. Start write cycle.
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
-- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
-- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
-- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
-- instruction.
-- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
-- instruction.
when amDZ =>
ifOP <= ifopIB;
ufOP <= ufopUB;
maOP <= maopZP;
mbOP <= mbopPC;
pcOP <= pcopZPP1;
xmaOP <= xmaopIB;
busOP <= busopWRIB;
if PEX = '1' then
ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
pexOP <= pexopCLR;
end if;
nextState <= stateDone;
-- JMS, direct, curr page. Start write cycle.
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
-- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
-- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
-- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
-- instruction.
-- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
-- instruction.
when amDC =>
ifOP <= ifopIB;
ufOP <= ufopUB;
maOP <= maopCP;
mbOP <= mbopPC;
pcOP <= pcopCPP1;
xmaOP <= xmaopIB;
busOP <= busopWRIB;
if PEX = '1' then
ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
pexOP <= pexopCLR;
end if;
nextState <= stateDone;
-- JMS, indirect, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle.
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amIZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- JMS, indirect, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle.
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amIC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- Everthing else
when others =>
end case;
-- JMP Instruction
when opJMP =>
-- The II Flip-Flop is cleared.
-- The FZ Flip-Flop is cleared
iiOP <= iiopCLR;
fzOP <= fzopCLR;
case IR(3 to 4) is
-- JMP, direct, zero page.
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
-- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
-- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
-- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
-- instruction.
-- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
-- instruction.
when amDZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
pcOP <= pcopZP;
ifOP <= ifopIB;
ufOP <= ufopUB;
if PEX = '1' then
ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
pexOP <= pexopCLR;
end if;
nextState <= stateDone;
-- JMP, direct, curr page.
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
-- When the PEX Flip-flop is set, the CPU shall
-- exit from Panel Mode to Main Memory (i.e., clear
-- CTRLFF) during the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2
-- instruction.
-- PEX is cleared by the JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN
-- instruction.
when amDC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
pcOP <= pcopCP;
ifOP <= ifopIB;
ufOP <= ufopUB;
if PEX = '1' then
ctrlffOP <= ctrlffopCLR;
pexOP <= pexopCLR;
end if;
nextState <= stateDone;
-- JMP, indirect, zero page. Start Read Addr Cycle.
-- MA <- 00000'IR(5:11)
when amIZ =>
maOP <= maopZP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- JMP, indirect, curr page. Start Read Addr Cycle.
-- MA <- MA(0:4)'IR(5:11)
when amIC =>
maOP <= maopCP;
xmaOP <= xmaopIF;
busOP <= busopRDIFaddr;
nextState <= stateMRIreadAddr;
-- Everything else
when others =>
end case;
-- IOT Instructions
when opIOT =>
-- Default Next State
nextState <= stateDone;
-- Handle USR Mode interrupts
if (UF = '1') then
usrtrpOP <= usrtrpopSET;
nextState <= stateDone;
-- Internal IOT (CPU Control)
-- 600x, 62xx are internal IOTs
case IR(0 to 11) is
-- OP 6000: PRS/SKON
when o"6000" =>
-- HD6120 only
-- OP 6000: PRS - Panel Read Status Word.
-- Read panel status bits into AC<0-4>, 0
-- into AC<5:11>. Following the reading of
-- the flags into the AC, the flags are
-- cleared, with the exception of HLTTRP.
-- BTSTR is cleared only if a 1 was read
-- into AC<0>.
if swCPU = swHD6120 then
if CTRLFF = '1' then
acOP <= acopPRS;
pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopCLR;
pwrtrpOP <= pwrtrpopCLR;
btstrpOP <= btstrpopCLR;
end if;
-- PDP-8/E and later and HD-6120
-- SKON - Skip if interupt system is on,
-- turn it off.
elsif ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
(swCPU = swPDP8F) or
(swCPU = swPDP8A) or
(swCPU = swHD6120)) then
if IE = '1' then
pcOP <= pcopINC;
end if;
ieOP <= ieopCLR;
-- Pre PDP8/E
-- This instruction was a NOP.
end if;
-- IOT 6001: ION - Enable Interrupts.
-- The Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop (IE) is set.
-- The Interrupt Enable Delay Flip-Flop (ID)
-- is set.
-- Note: Setting the ID delays the interrupt
-- enable by one instruction so that a return
-- (from interrupt) may be executed before the
-- next interrupt request is serviced.
when o"6001" =>
ieOP <= ieopSET;
idOP <= idopSET;
-- IOT 6002: IOF - Disable Interrupts
-- The Interrupt Enable Flip Flop (IE) is cleared
-- immediately. If IRQ is low while this
-- instruction is being processed, the interrupt
-- will not be recognized.
when o"6002" =>
ieOP <= ieopCLR;
-- OP 6003: PGO/SRQ
when o"6003" =>
-- HD6120 only
-- OP 6003: PGO - Panel Go.
if swCPU = swHD6120 then
if CTRLFF = '1' then
hlttrpOP <= hlttrpopCLR;
end if;
-- PDP-8/E and later and HD-6120
-- OP 6003: SRQ - Skip on Interupt Request
elsif ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
(swCPU = swPDP8F) or
(swCPU = swPDP8A) or
(swCPU = swHD6120)) then
if IRQ = '1' then
pcOP <= pcopINC;
end if;
-- Pre PDP-8/E
-- OP 6003: ION - This was equivalent to
-- the ION instruction.
ieOP <= ieopSET;
idOP <= idopSET;
end if;
-- IOT 6004: PEX/GTF
-- GTF - Get Flags
-- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
-- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+
-- | L|GT|IR|0 |IE|UF| IF | DF |
-- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+
-- L - The link bit.
-- GT - The Greater Than bit
-- IR - The interrupt request status, as tested by SRQ.
-- IE - The state of the interrupt enable flip-flop (IE)
-- UF - User Flag
-- IF - The instruction field.
-- DF - The data field.
-- PEX - Panel Exit to Normal Mode
-- Exit from panel mode into main memory at the end
-- of the next JMP, JMS, RTN1 or RTN2 instruction.
when o"6004" =>
-- OP 6004: PEX - Panel Exit to Normal Mode
-- HD6120 in Panel Mode only
-- Set PEX Flip-flop
-- Clear PWRTRP and PNLTRP.
if swCPU = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '1' then
pwrtrpOP <= pwrtrpopCLR;
pnltrpOP <= pnltrpopCLR;
pexOP <= pexopSET;
-- OP 6004: GTF - Get Flags
-- HD6120 in Normal Mode only
-- AC(4) is always set.
-- AC(5) is always cleared.
elsif swCPU = swHD6120 and CTRLFF = '0' then
acOP <= acopGTF1;
-- OP 6004: GTF - Get Flags
-- PDP-8/E and later with KM8E installed
-- AC(4) is set to state of the interrupt
elsif ((swCPU = swPDP8E and swOPT.KM8E = '1') or
(swCPU = swPDP8F and swOPT.KM8E = '1') or
(swCPU = swPDP8A and swOPT.KM8E = '1')) then
acOP <= acopGTF2;
-- Pre PDP-8/E
-- OP 6004: This was and ADC operation or a
-- NOP.
end if;
-- IOT 6005: RTF - Restore Flags and Fields from AC.
-- The flags are set as follows:
-- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
-- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+
-- | L|GT| | |IE|UB| IB | DF |
-- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--------+--------+
when o"6005" =>
if ((swCPU = swPDP8E) or
(swCPU = swPDP8F) or
(swCPU = swPDP8A) or
(swCPU = swHD6120)) then
-- HD6120: The AC is cleared following
-- the load operation. The interrupt
-- is enabled per AC(4). See HD6120
-- GTF instruction.
if swCPU = swHD6120 then
if AC(0) = '1' then
acOP <= acopCLACLLCML;
acOP <= acopCLACLL;
end if;
if AC(4) = '1' then
ieOP <= ieopSET;
iiOP <= iiopSET;
end if;
-- PDP8/E and later: AC is not modified by
-- the instruction. AC(4) is ignored and
-- interrupts are unconditionally
-- re-enabled. AC(5) sets the UB bit.
-- See PDP/8 GTF instruction.
if AC(0) = '1' then
acOP <= acopCLLCML;
acOP <= acopCLL;
end if;
ieOP <= ieopSET;
iiOP <= iiopSET;
ubOP <= ubopAC5;
end if;
gtfOP <= gtfopAC1;
ibOP <= ibopAC6to8;
dfOP <= dfopAC9to11;
fzop <= fzopCLR;