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--! @file memblock.vhd --! @brief Bloque de memoria. --! @author Julián Andrés Guarín Reyes -------------------------------------------------------------- -- RAYTRAC -- Author Julian Andres Guarin -- memblock.vhd -- This file is part of raytrac. -- -- raytrac is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- raytrac is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with raytrac. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.arithpack.all; entity memblock is generic ( blocksize : integer := 512; external_readable_widthad : integer := 3; external_writeable_widthad : integer := 4 ); port ( clk,rst,dpfifo_rd,normfifo_rd,dpfifo_wr,normfifo_wr : in std_logic; instrfifo_rd : in std_logic; resultfifo_wr: in std_logic_vector(8-1 downto 0); instrfifo_empty: out std_logic; ext_rd,ext_wr: in std_logic; ext_wr_add : in std_logic_vector(4+widthadmemblock-1 downto 0); ext_rd_add : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ext_d: in std_logic_vector(floatwidth-1 downto 0); resultfifo_full : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); int_d : in vectorblock08; status_register : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); ext_q,instrfifo_q : out std_logic_vector(floatwidth-1 downto 0); int_q : out vectorblock12; int_rd_add : in std_logic_vector(2*widthadmemblock-1 downto 0); dpfifo_d : in std_logic_vector(floatwidth*2-1 downto 0); normfifo_d : in std_logic_vector(floatwidth*3-1 downto 0); dpfifo_q : out std_logic_vector(floatwidth*2-1 downto 0); normfifo_q : out std_logic_vector(floatwidth*3-1 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture memblock_arch of memblock is --!TXBXSTART:MEMBLOCK_EXTERNAL_WRITE signal s0ext_wr_add_one_hot : std_logic_vector(12-1+1 downto 0); --! La señal extra es para la escritura de la cola de instrucciones. signal s0ext_wr_add : std_logic_vector(4+widthadmemblock-1 downto 0); signal s0ext_wr : std_logic; signal s0ext_d : std_logic_vector(floatwidth-1 downto 0); --!TBXEND --! Señal de soporte signal s0ext_wr_add_choice : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --!TXBXSTART:MEMBLOCK_EXTERNAL_READ signal s0status_register : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal s0ext_rd_add : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal s0ext_rd : std_logic; signal s0ext_rd_ack : std_logic_vector(8-1 downto 0); signal s0ext_q : vectorblock08; --!TBXEND --!TBXSTART:MEMBLOCK_INTERNAL_READ signal sint_rd_add : vectorblockadd02; signal s1int_q : vectorblock12; --!TBXEND --!TXBXSTART:MEMBLOCK_INTERNAL_WRITE signal sint_d : vectorblock08; signal sresultfifo_full : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --!TBXEND begin --! Colas internas de producto punto, ubicada en el pipe line aritméco. Paralelo a los sumadores a0 y a2. q0q1 : scfifo --! Debe ir registrada la salida. generic map ( add_ram_output_register => "OFF", allow_rwcycle_when_full => "OFF", intended_device_family => "CycloneIII", lpm_hint => "MAXIMUM_DEPTH=8", almost_full_value => 8, lpm_numwords => 8, lpm_showahead => "ON", lpm_type => "SCIFIFO", lpm_width => 64, lpm_widthu => 3, overflow_checking => "ON", underflow_checking => "ON", use_eab => "OFF" ) port map ( rdreq => dpfifo_rd, aclr => '0', empty => open, clock => clk, q => dpfifo_q, wrreq => dpfifo_wr, data => dpfifo_d ); --! Cola interna de normalización de vectores, ubicada entre el pipeline aritmético qxqyqz : scfifo generic map ( add_ram_output_register => "OFF", allow_rwcycle_when_full => "OFF", intended_device_family => "Cyclone III", lpm_hint => "RAM_BLOCK_TYPE=M9K", almost_full_value => 32, lpm_numwords => 32, lpm_showahead => "OFF", lpm_type => "SCFIFO", lpm_width => 96, lpm_widthu => 5, overflow_checking => "ON", underflow_checking => "ON", use_eab => "ON" ) port map ( rdreq => normfifo_rd, aclr => '0', empty => open, clock => clk, q => normfifo_q, wrreq => normfifo_wr, data => normfifo_d, almost_full => open, full => open ); --! Cola de instrucciones qi : scfifo generic map ( add_ram_output_register => "OFF", allow_rwcycle_when_full => "OFF", intended_device_family => "Cyclone III", lpm_hint => "RAM_BLOCK_TYPE=M9K", almost_full_value => 16, lpm_numwords => 16, lpm_showahead => "ON", lpm_type => "SCIFIFO", lpm_width => 32, lpm_widthu => 4, overflow_checking => "ON", underflow_checking => "ON", use_eab => "OFF" ) port map ( rdreq => instrfifo_rd, aclr => '0', empty => instrfifo_empty, clock => clk, q => instrfifo_q, wrreq => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot(12), data => s0ext_d, almost_full => open ); --! Conectar los registros de lectura interna del bloque de operandos a los arreglos > abstracció:n de código, no influye en la sintesis del circuito. sint_rd_add (0)<= int_rd_add(widthadmemblock-1-memoryreduction downto 0); sint_rd_add (1)<= int_rd_add(2*widthadmemblock-1-memoryreduction downto widthadmemblock); --! Instanciación de la cola de resultados de salida. int_q <= s1int_q; operands_blocks: for i in 11 downto 0 generate --!int_q((i+1)*floatwidth-1 downto floatwidth*i) <= s1int_q(i); operandsblock : altsyncram generic map ( address_aclr_b => "NONE", address_reg_b => "CLOCK0", clock_enable_input_a => "BYPASS", clock_enable_input_b => "BYPASS", clock_enable_output_b => "BYPASS", intended_device_family => "Cyclone III", lpm_type => "altsyncram", numwords_a => 2**(widthadmemblock-memoryreduction), numwords_b => 2**(widthadmemblock-memoryreduction), operation_mode => "DUAL_PORT", outdata_aclr_b => "NONE", outdata_reg_b => "CLOCK0", power_up_uninitialized => "FALSE", ram_block_type => "M9K", rdcontrol_reg_b => "CLOCK0", read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports => "OLD_DATA", widthad_a => widthadmemblock-memoryreduction, widthad_b => widthadmemblock-memoryreduction, width_a => floatwidth, width_b => floatwidth, width_byteena_a => 1 ) port map ( wren_a => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot(i), clock0 => clk, address_a => s0ext_wr_add(widthadmemblock-1-memoryreduction downto 0), address_b => sint_rd_add((i/3) mod 2), rden_b => '1', q_b => s1int_q(i), data_a => s0ext_d ); end generate operands_blocks; --! Instanciación de la cola de resultados. resultfifo_full(3) <= sresultfifo_full(7) or sresultfifo_full(6) or sresultfifo_full(5); resultfifo_full(2) <= sresultfifo_full(4) or sresultfifo_full(2); resultfifo_full(1) <= sresultfifo_full(3) or sresultfifo_full(2) or sresultfifo_full(1); resultfifo_full(0) <= sresultfifo_full(0); sint_d <= int_d; results_blocks: for i in 7 downto 0 generate resultsfifo : scfifo generic map ( add_ram_output_register => "OFF", almost_full_value => 224, allow_rwcycle_when_full => "OFF", intended_device_family => "Cyclone III", lpm_hint => "RAM_BLOCK_TYPE=M9K", lpm_numwords => 256, lpm_showahead => "ON", lpm_type => "SCIFIFO", lpm_width => 32, lpm_widthu => 8, overflow_checking => "ON", underflow_checking => "ON", use_eab => "ON" ) port map ( rdreq => s0ext_rd_ack(i), aclr => '0', empty => open, clock => clk, q => s0ext_q(i), wrreq => resultfifo_wr(i), data => sint_d(i), almost_full => sresultfifo_full(i), full => open ); end generate results_blocks; --! Escritura en registros de operandos de entrada. operands_block_proc: process (clk,rst) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then s0ext_wr_add <= (others => '0'); s0ext_wr <= '0'; s0ext_d <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then --! Registro de entrada s0ext_wr_add <= ext_wr_add; s0ext_wr <= ext_wr; s0ext_d <= ext_d; end if; end process; --! Decodificación de señal escritura x bloque de memoria, selecciona la memoria en la que se va a escribir a partir de la dirección de entrada. s0ext_wr_add_choice <= s0ext_wr_add(4+widthadmemblock-1 downto widthadmemblock); operands_block_comb: process (s0ext_wr_add_choice,s0ext_wr) begin --! Etapa 0: Decodificacion de las señ:ales de escritura.Revisar el capitulo de bloques de memoria para chequear como está el pool de direcciones por bloques de vectores. --! Las direcciones de bloque 3,7,11,15 corresponden a la cola de instrucciones. case s0ext_wr_add_choice is when "0000" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"00"&"000"&s0ext_wr; when x"1" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"00"&"00"&s0ext_wr&'0'; when x"2" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"00"&'0'&s0ext_wr&"00"; when x"4" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"00"&s0ext_wr&"000"; when x"5" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"0"&"000"&s0ext_wr&x"0"; when x"6" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"0"&"00"&s0ext_wr&'0'&x"0"; when x"8" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"0"&'0'&s0ext_wr&"00"&x"0"; when x"9" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&x"0"&s0ext_wr&"000"&x"0"; when x"A" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&"000"&s0ext_wr&x"00"; when x"C" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&"00"&s0ext_wr&'0'&x"00"; when x"D" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&'0'&s0ext_wr&"00"&x"00"; when x"E" => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= '0'&s0ext_wr&"000"&x"00"; when others => s0ext_wr_add_one_hot <= s0ext_wr&x"000"; end case; end process; --! Decodificación para seleccionar que cola de resultados se conectar´ a la salida del RayTrac. results_block_proc: process(clk,rst) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then s0ext_rd_add <= (others => '0'); s0ext_rd <= '0'; elsif clk'event and clk='1' then --!Registrar entrada s0ext_rd_add <= ext_rd_add; s0ext_rd <= ext_rd; --!Etapa 0: Decodificar la cola que se va a mover (rdack! fifo showahead mode) y por ende leer ese dato. case s0ext_rd_add is when x"0" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(0); when x"1" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(1); when x"2" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(2); when x"3" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(3); when x"4" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(4); when x"5" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(5); when x"6" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(6); when x"7" => ext_q <= s0ext_q(7); when others => ext_q <= x"000000"&s0status_register; end case; end if; end process; --! rdack decoder para las colas de resultados de salida. results_block_proc_combinatorial_stage: process(s0ext_rd,s0ext_rd_add) begin case s0ext_rd_add(3 downto 0) is when x"0" => s0ext_rd_ack <= x"0"&"000"&s0ext_rd; when x"1" => s0ext_rd_ack <= x"0"&"00"&s0ext_rd&'0'; when x"2" => s0ext_rd_ack <= x"0"&"0"&s0ext_rd&"00"; when x"3" => s0ext_rd_ack <= x"0"&s0ext_rd&"000"; when x"4" => s0ext_rd_ack <= "000"&s0ext_rd&x"0"; when x"5" => s0ext_rd_ack <= "00"&s0ext_rd&'0'&x"0"; when x"6" => s0ext_rd_ack <= "0"&s0ext_rd&"00"&x"0"; when x"7" => s0ext_rd_ack <= s0ext_rd&"000"&x"0"; when others => s0ext_rd_ack <= (others => '0'); end case; end process; --!Proceso para escribir el status register. --!Independiente del valor rfull(i) o si se lee o no, los bits correspondientes a los eventos de cola de resultados llena, se escriben reloj a reloj. --!Final de Instrucción: Si ocurre un evento de final de instrucción se escribe el bit de registro correspondiente. --!Si no hay un evento de final de instrucción entonces se verifica si hay un evento de lectura del status register, si es asi todos los bits correspondientes dentro del registro al evento de fin de instrucción se borran y quedan en cero. --!Si no hay un evento de final de instrucci&oacite;n y tampoco de lectura del status register entonces se deja el mismo valor del estatus register. sreg_proc: process (clk,rst,s0ext_rd_add,status_register(3 downto 0)) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then s0status_register(7 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then --!Sin importar el valor de las señales de cola de resultados llena, escribir el registro. s0status_register(7) <= sresultfifo_full(7) or sresultfifo_full(6) or sresultfifo_full(5); s0status_register(6) <= sresultfifo_full(4) or sresultfifo_full(2); s0status_register(5) <= sresultfifo_full(3) or sresultfifo_full(2) or sresultfifo_full(1); s0status_register(4) <= sresultfifo_full(0); for i in 3 downto 0 loop --! Si hay evento de fin de instrucción entonces escribir en el bit correspondiente un uno. if status_register(i)='1' then s0status_register(i) <= '1'; --! Como no hubo final de instrucción revisar si hay lectura de Status Register y borrarlo. elsif s0ext_rd_add(3)='1' then s0status_register(i) <= '0'; --! No ocurrio nada de lo anterior, dejar entonces en el mismo valor el Status Register. else s0status_register(i) <= s0status_register(i); end if; end loop; end if; end process; end architecture;
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