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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.math_real.all; library std; use std.textio.all; --! Memory Compiler Library library altera_mf; use altera_mf.all; library lpm; use lpm.all; package arithpack is --!Constantes usadas por los RTLs constant qz : integer := 00;constant qy : integer := 01;constant qx : integer := 02;constant sc : integer := 03; constant az : integer := 00;constant ay : integer := 01;constant ax : integer := 02;constant bz : integer := 03;constant by : integer := 04;constant bx : integer := 05; constant f0 : integer := 00;constant f1 : integer := 01;constant f2 : integer := 02;constant f3 : integer := 03;constant f4 : integer := 04;constant f5 : integer := 05; constant f6 : integer := 06;constant f7 : integer := 07;constant f8 : integer := 08;constant f9 : integer := 09;constant f10: integer := 10;constant f11: integer := 11; constant s0 : integer := 00;constant s1 : integer := 01;constant s2 : integer := 02;constant s3 : integer := 03;constant s4 : integer := 04;constant s5 : integer := 05; constant a0 : integer := 00;constant a1 : integer := 01;constant a2 : integer := 02; constant p0 : integer := 00;constant p1 : integer := 01;constant p2 : integer := 02;constant p3 : integer := 03;constant p4 : integer := 04;constant p5 : integer := 05; constant index_control_register : integer := 00; constant index_start_address_r : integer := 01; constant index_end_address_r : integer := 02; constant index_start_address_w : integer := 03; constant index_end_address_w : integer := 04; constant index_scratch_register : integer := 05; --! Máquina de estados. --! Control de tamaños de memoria. constant widthadmemblock : integer := 9; subtype xfloat32 is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); type v3f is array(02 downto 0) of xfloat32; --! Constantes para definir bloques de valores de 32 bits single float type vectorblock12 is array (11 downto 0) of xfloat32; type vectorblock08 is array (07 downto 0) of xfloat32; type vectorblock06 is array (05 downto 0) of xfloat32; type vectorblock04 is array (03 downto 0) of xfloat32; type vectorblock03 is array (02 downto 0) of xfloat32; type vectorblock02 is array (01 downto 0) of xfloat32; --! Constante de reseteo constant rstMasterValue : std_logic :='0'; --! Constantes periodicas. constant tclk : time := 20 ns; constant tclk_2 : time := tclk/2; constant tclk_4 : time := tclk/4; component raytrac port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; --! Interface Avalon Master address_master : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begintransfer : out std_logic; read_master : out std_logic; readdata_master : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); write_master : out std_logic; writedata_master: out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); waitrequest : in std_logic_vector; readdatavalid_m : in std_logic_vector; --! Interface Avalon Slave address_slave : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); read_slave : in std_logic; readdata_slave : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); write_slave : in std_logic; writedata_slave : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); readdatavalid_s : out std_logic; --! Interface Interrupt Sender irq : out std_logic ); end component; component raytrac_control port ( --! Señales normales de secuencia. clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic; --! Interface Avalon Master begintransfer : out std_logic; address_master : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); read_master : out std_logic; write_master : out std_logic; waitrequest : in std_logic; readdatavalid_m : in std_logic; --! Interface Avalon Slave address_slave : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); read_slave : in std_logic; readdata_slave : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); write_slave : in std_logic; writedata_slave : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); readdatavalid_s : out std_logic; --! Interface Interrupt Sender irq : out std_logic; --! Señales de Control (Memblock) go : out std_logic; comb : out std_logic; load : out std_logic; load_chain : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); qparams_e : in std_logic; qresult_e : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --! Señles de Control de Datapath (DPC) qparams_q : in xfloat32; d : out std_logic; c : out std_logic; s : out std_logic; qresult_sel : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ); end component; --! Bloque de memorias component memblock port ( --!Entradas de Control clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; go : in std_logic; comb : in std_logic; load : in std_logic; load_chain : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --! Cola de parámetros readdatavalid : in std_logic; readdata_master : in xfloat32; qparams_r : in std_logic; qparams_e : out std_logic; --! Cola de resultados qresult_d : in vectorblock04; qresult_q : out vectorblock04; --! Registro de parámetros paraminput : out vectorblock06; --! Cadena de sincronización sync_chain_0 : out std_logic; --! señales de colas vacias qresult_e : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --! Colas de resultados qresult_w : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); qresult_rdec : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end component; --! Bloque decodificacion DataPath Control. component dpc port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; paraminput : in vectorblock06; --! Vectores A,B prd32blko : in vectorblock06; --! Salidas de los 6 multiplicadores. add32blko : in vectorblock03; --! Salidas de los 3 sumadores. inv32blko : in xfloat32; --! Salidas de la raiz cuadradas y el inversor. sqr32blko : in xfloat32; --! Salidas de la raiz cuadradas y el inversor. d,c,s : in std_logic; --! Bit con el identificador del bloque AB vs CD e identificador del sub bloque (A/B) o (C/D). sync_chain_0 : in std_logic; --! Señal de dato valido que se va por toda la cadena de sincronizacion. qresult_q : in vectorblock04; --! Salida de las colas de resultados qresult_sel : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); --! Direccion con el resultado de la qresult_rdec : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); --!Señales de escritura decodificadas qresult_w : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); --! Salidas de escritura y lectura en las colas de resultados. qresult_d : out vectorblock04; --! 4 salidas de resultados, pues lo máximo que podrá calcularse por cada clock son 2 vectores. dataread : in std_logic; prd32blki : out vectorblock12; --! Entrada de los 12 factores en el bloque de multiplicación respectivamente. add32blki : out vectorblock06; --! Entrada de los 6 sumandos del bloque de 3 sumadores. dataout : out xfloat32 ); end component; --! Bloque Aritmetico de Sumadores y Multiplicadores (madd) component arithblock port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; sign : in std_logic; prd32blki : in vectorblock12; add32blki : in vectorblock06; add32blko : out vectorblock03; prd32blko : out vectorblock06; sq32o : out xfloat32; inv32o : out xfloat32 ); end component; --! Componentes Aritméticos component fadd32 port ( clk : in std_logic; dpc : in std_logic; a32 : in xfloat32; b32 : in xfloat32; c32 : out xfloat32 ); end component; component fmul32 port ( clk : in std_logic; a32 : in xfloat32; b32 : in xfloat32; p32 : out xfloat32 ); end component; --! Bloque de Raiz Cuadrada component sqrt32 port ( clk : in std_logic; rd32: in xfloat32; sq32: out xfloat32 ); end component; --! Bloque de Inversores. component invr32 port ( clk : in std_logic; dvd32 : in xfloat32; qout32 : out xfloat32 ); end component; --! Contadores para la máquina de estados. component customCounter port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; stateTrans : in std_logic; waitrequest_n : in std_logic; endaddress : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 2); --! Los 5 bits de arriba. startaddress : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); endaddressfetch : out std_logic; address_master : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) ); end component; --! LPM_MULTIPLIER component lpm_mult generic ( lpm_hint : string; lpm_pipeline : natural; lpm_representation : string; lpm_type : string; lpm_widtha : natural; lpm_widthb : natural; lpm_widthp : natural ); port ( dataa : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widtha-1 downto 0 ); datab : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widthb-1 downto 0 ); result : out std_logic_vector( lpm_widthp-1 downto 0 ) ); end component; --! LPM Memory Compiler. -- component scfifo -- generic ( -- add_ram_output_register :string; -- allow_rwcycle_when_full :string; -- intended_device_family :string; -- lpm_hint :string; -- lpm_numwords :natural; -- lpm_showahead :string; -- lpm_type :string; -- lpm_width :natural; -- overflow_checking :string; -- underflow_checking :string; -- use_eab :string -- ); -- port( -- rdreq : in std_logic; -- aclr : in std_logic; -- empty : out std_logic; -- clock : in std_logic; -- q : out std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); -- wrreq : in std_logic; -- data : in std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); -- almost_full : out std_logic; -- full : out std_logic -- ); -- end component; type apCamera is record resx,resy : integer; width,height : real; dist : real; end record; --! Función que convierte un std_logic_vector en un numero entero function ap_slv2int(sl:std_logic_vector) return integer; --! Función que convierte un número flotante IEE754 single float, en un número std_logic_vector. function ap_fp2slv (f:real) return std_logic_vector; --! Función que convierte un número std_logic_vector en un ieee754 single float. function ap_slv2fp (sl:std_logic_vector) return real; --! Función que devuelve un vector en punto flotante IEEE754 a través de un function ap_slv_calc_xyvec (x,y:integer; cam:apCamera) return v3f; --! Función que devuelve una cadena con el número flotante IEEE 754 ó a una cadena de cifras hexadecimales. procedure ap_slvf2string(l:inout line;sl:std_logic_vector); procedure ap_slv2hex (l:inout line;h:in std_logic_vector) ; --! Función que devuelve una cadena con los componentes de un vector R3 en punto flotante IEEE754 procedure ap_v3f2string(l:inout line;v:in v3f); procedure ap_xfp032string(l:inout line;vb03:in vectorblock03); --! Función que formatea una instrucción function ap_format_instruction(i:string;ac_o,ac_f,bd_o,bd_f:std_logic_vector;comb:std_logic) return std_logic_vector; --! Función que devuelve una cadena de caracteres de un solo caracter con el valor de un bit std_logic procedure ap_sl2string(l:inout line;s:std_logic); --! Procedimiento para mostrar vectores en forma de arreglos de flotantes procedure ap_xfp122string(l:inout line;vb12:in vectorblock12); procedure ap_xfp082string(l:inout line;vb08:in vectorblock08); procedure ap_xfp062string(l:inout line;vb06:in vectorblock06); procedure ap_xfp042string(l:inout line;vb04:in vectorblock04); procedure ap_xfp022string(l:inout line;vb02:in vectorblock02); end package; package body arithpack is procedure ap_xfp022string(l:inout line; vb02:in vectorblock02) is begin for i in 01 downto 0 loop write(l,string'(" ["&integer'image(i)&"]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb02(i)); end loop; end procedure; procedure ap_xfp122string(l:inout line; vb12:in vectorblock12) is begin for i in 11 downto 0 loop write(l,string'(" ["&integer'image(i)&"]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb12(i)); end loop; end procedure; procedure ap_xfp082string(l:inout line; vb08:in vectorblock08) is begin for i in 07 downto 0 loop write(l,string'(" ["&integer'image(i)&"]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb08(i)); end loop; end procedure; procedure ap_xfp062string(l:inout line; vb06:in vectorblock06) is begin for i in 05 downto 0 loop write(l,string'(" ["&integer'image(i)&"]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb06(i)); end loop; end procedure; procedure ap_xfp042string(l:inout line; vb04:in vectorblock04) is begin for i in 03 downto 0 loop write(l,string'(" ["&integer'image(i)&"]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb04(i)); end loop; end procedure; procedure ap_sl2string(l:inout line; s:in std_logic)is variable tmp:string(1 to 1); begin case s is when '1' => tmp:="1"; when '0' => tmp:="0"; when 'U' => tmp:="U"; when 'X' => tmp:="X"; when 'Z' => tmp:="Z"; when 'W' => tmp:="W"; when 'L' => tmp:="L"; when 'H' => tmp:="H"; when others => tmp:="-"; -- Don't care end case; write(l,string'(" ")); write(l,string'(tmp)); write(l,string'(" ")); end procedure; function ap_format_instruction(i:string;ac_o,ac_f,bd_o,bd_f:std_logic_vector;comb:std_logic) return std_logic_vector is alias aco : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) is ac_o; alias acf : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) is ac_f; alias bdo : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) is bd_o; alias bdf : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0) is bd_f; variable ins : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); alias it : string (1 to 3) is i; begin case it is when "mag" => ins(31 downto 29) := "100"; ins(04 downto 00) := '1'&x"8"; when "nrm" => ins(31 downto 29) := "110"; ins(04 downto 00) := '1'&x"d"; when "add" => ins(31 downto 29) := "001"; ins(04 downto 00) := '0'&x"a"; when "sub" => ins(31 downto 29) := "011"; ins(04 downto 00) := '0'&x"a"; when "dot" => ins(31 downto 29) := "000"; ins(04 downto 00) := '1'&x"7"; when "crs" => ins(31 downto 29) := "010"; ins(04 downto 00) := '0'&x"e"; when others => ins(31 downto 29) := "111"; ins(04 downto 00) := '0'&x"5"; end case; ins(28 downto 24) := aco; ins(23 downto 19) := acf; ins(18 downto 14) := bdo; ins(13 downto 09) := bdf; ins(08) := comb; ins(07 downto 05) := "000"; return ins; end function; procedure ap_v3f2string(l:inout line;v:in v3f) is begin write(l,string'("[X]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,v(2)); write(l,string'("[Y]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,v(1)); write(l,string'("[Z]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,v(0)); end procedure; procedure ap_xfp032string(l:inout line;vb03:in vectorblock03) is begin write(l,string'("[X]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb03(2)); write(l,string'("[Y]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb03(1)); write(l,string'("[Z]")); write(l,string'(" ")); ap_slvf2string(l,vb03(0)); end procedure; constant hexchars : string (1 to 16) := "0123456789ABCDEF"; procedure ap_slv2hex (l:inout line;h:in std_logic_vector) is variable index_high,index_low,highone,nc : integer; begin highone := h'high-h'low; nc:=0; for i in h'high downto h'low loop if h(i)/='0' and h(i)/='1' then nc:=1; end if; end loop; if nc=1 then for i in h'high downto h'low loop ap_sl2string(l,h(i)); end loop; else for i in (highone)/4 downto 0 loop index_low:=i*4; if (index_low+3)>highone then index_high := highone; else index_high := i*4+3; end if; write(l,hexchars(1+ieee.std_logic_unsigned.conv_integer(h(index_high+h'low downto index_low+h'low)))); end loop; end if; end procedure; function ap_slv2int (sl:std_logic_vector) return integer is alias s : std_logic_vector (sl'high downto sl'low) is sl; variable i : integer; begin i:=0; for index in s'high downto s'low loop if s(index)='1' then i:=i*2+1; else i:=i*2; end if; end loop; return i; end function; function ap_fp2slv (f:real) return std_logic_vector is variable faux : real; variable sef : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); begin --! Signo if (f<0.0) then sef(31) := '1'; faux:=f*(-1.0); else sef(31) := '0'; faux:=f; end if; --! Exponente sef(30 downto 23) := conv_std_logic_vector(127+integer(floor(log(faux,2.0))),8); --! Fraction faux :=faux/(2.0**real(floor(log(faux,2.0)))); faux := faux - 1.0; sef(22 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(integer(faux*(2.0**23.0)),23); return sef; end function; function ap_slv2fp(sl:std_logic_vector) return real is variable frc:integer; alias s: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) is sl; variable f,expo: real; begin expo:=real(ap_slv2int(s(30 downto 23)) - 127); expo:=(2.0)**(expo); frc:=ap_slv2int('1'&s(22 downto 0)); f:=real(frc)*(2.0**(-23.0)); f:=f*real(expo); if s(31)='1' then return -f; else return f; end if; end function; function ap_slv_calc_xyvec (x,y:integer; cam:apCamera) return v3f is variable dx,dy : real; variable v : v3f; begin dx := cam.width/real(cam.resx); dy := cam.height/real(cam.resy); --! Eje Z: Tomando el dedo índice de la mano derecha, este eje queda apuntando en la direcci&on en la que mira la cámara u observador siempre. v(0):=ap_fp2slv(cam.dist); --! Eje X: Tomando el dedo corazón de la mano derecha, este eje queda apuntando a la izquierda del observador, desde el observador. v(2):=ap_fp2slv(dx*real(cam.resx)*0.5-real(x)*dx-dx*0.5); --! Eje Y: Tomando el dedo pulgar de la mano derecha, este eje queda apuntando hacia arriba del observador, desde el observador. v(1):=ap_fp2slv(dy*real(cam.resy)*0.5-real(y)*dy-dy*0.5); return v; end function; procedure ap_slvf2string(l:inout line;sl:std_logic_vector) is alias f: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) is sl; variable r: real; begin r:=ap_slv2fp(f); write(l,string'(real'image(r))); write(l,string'(" [ s:")); ap_slv2hex(l,f(31 downto 31)); write(l,string'(" f: ")); ap_slv2hex(l,f(30 downto 23)); write(l,string'(" m: ")); ap_slv2hex(l,f(22 downto 00)); write(l,string'(" ]")); end procedure; end package body;
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