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--! @file sqrtdiv.vhd --! @brief Unidad aritm'etica para calcular la potencia de un n'umero entero elevado a la -1 (INVERSION) o a la 0.5 (SQUARE_ROOT). --! @author Juli´n Andrés Guarín Reyes. -- RAYTRAC -- Author Julian Andres Guarin -- sqrtdiv.vhd -- This file is part of raytrac. -- -- raytrac is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- raytrac is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with raytrac. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.math_real.all; use work.arithpack.all; entity sqrtdiv is generic ( reginput: string := "YES"; c3width : integer := 18; functype: string := "INVERSION"; iwidth : integer := 18; owidth : integer := 18; awidth : integer := 9 ); port ( clk,rst : in std_logic; value : in std_logic_vector (iwidth-1 downto 0); zero : out std_logic; result : out std_logic_vector (owidth-1 downto 0) ); end sqrtdiv; architecture sqrtdiv_arch of sqrtdiv is --! expomantis::Primera etapa: Calculo parcial de la mantissa y el exponente. signal expomantisvalue : std_logic_vector (iwidth-1 downto 0); signal expomantisexp : std_logic_vector (2*integer(ceil(log(real(iwidth),2.0)))-1 downto 0); signal expomantisadd : std_logic_vector (2*awidth-1 downto 0); signal expomantiszero : std_logic; --! funky::Segunda etapa: Calculo del valor de la funcion evaluada en f. signal funkyadd : std_logic_vector (2*awidth-1 downto 0); signal funkyexp : std_logic_vector (2*integer(ceil(log(real(iwidth),2.0)))-1 downto 0); signal funkyzero : std_logic; signal funkyq : std_logic_vector (2*c3width+3 downto 0); signal funkyselector : std_logic; --! cumpa::Tercera etapa: Selecci'on de valores de acuerdo al exp escogido. signal cumpaexp : std_logic_vector (2*integer(ceil(log(real(iwidth),2.0)))-1 downto 0); signal cumpaq : std_logic_vector (2*c3width+3 downto 0); signal cumpaselector : std_logic; signal cumpazero : std_logic; signal cumpaN : std_logic_vector (integer(ceil(log(real(iwidth),2.0)))-1 downto 0); signal cumpaF : std_logic_vector (c3width+1 downto 0); --! chief::Cuarta etapa: Corrimiento a la izquierda o derecha, para el caso de la ra'iz cuadrada o la inversi'on respectivamente. signal chiefN : std_logic_vector (integer(ceil(log(real(iwidth),2.0)))-1 downto 0); signal chiefF : std_logic_vector (c3width+1 downto 0); --! Constantes para manejar el tamaño de los vectores constant exp1H : integer := 2*integer(ceil(log(real(iwidth),2.0)))-1; constant exp1L : integer := integer(ceil(log(real(iwidth),2.0))); constant exp0H : integer := exp1L-1; constant exp0L : integer := 0; constant add1H : integer := 2*awidth-1; constant add1L : integer := awidth; constant add0H : integer := awidth-1; constant add0L : integer := 0; constant c3qHH : integer := 2*c3width+3; constant c3qHL : integer := c3width+2; constant c3qLH : integer := c3width+1; constant c3qLL : integer := 0; begin --! expomantis. expomantisreg: if reginput="YES" generate expomantisProc: process (clk,rst) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then expomantisvalue <= (others =>'0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then expomantisvalue <= value; end if; end process expomantisProc; end generate expomantisreg; expomantisnoreg: if reginput ="NO" generate expomantisvalue<=value; end generate expomantisnoreg; expomantisshifter2x:shifter2xstage generic map(awidth,iwidth) port map(expomantisvalue,expomantisexp,expomantisadd,expomantiszero); --! funky. funkyProc: process (clk,rst,expomantisexp, expomantiszero) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then funkyexp <= (others => '0'); funkyzero <= '0'; funkyadd <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then funkyexp(exp1H downto 0) <= expomantisexp(exp1H downto 0); funkyzero <= expomantiszero; funkyadd <= expomantisadd; end if; end process funkyProc; funkyget: process (funkyexp) begin if (funkyexp(exp0H downto 0)>funkyexp(exp1H downto exp1L)) then funkyselector<='0'; else funkyselector<='1'; end if; end process funkyget; funkyinversion: if functype="INVERSION" generate meminvr:func generic map (memoryPath&"meminvr.mif") port map( expomantisadd(awidth-1 downto 0), expomantisadd(2*awidth-1 downto awidth), clk, funkyq(c3qLH-2 downto c3qLL), funkyq(c3qHH-2 downto c3qHL)); end generate funkyinversion; funkysquare_root: if functype="SQUARE_ROOT" generate sqrt: func generic map (memoryPath&"memsqrt.mif") port map( expomantisadd(awidth-1 downto 0), (others => '0'), clk, funkyq(c3qLH-2 downto c3qLL), open); sqrt2x: func generic map ("memsqrt2f.mif") port map( (others => '0'), expomantisadd(2*awidth-1 downto awidth), clk, open, funkyq(c3qHH-2 downto c3qHL)); end generate funkysquare_root; --! cumpa. cumpaProc: process (clk,rst) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then cumpaselector <= '0'; cumpazero <= '0'; cumpaexp <= (others => '0'); cumpaq <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then cumpaselector <= funkyselector; cumpazero <= funkyzero; cumpaexp <= funkyexp; cumpaq <= funkyq; end if; end process cumpaProc; cumpaMux: process (cumpaq,cumpaexp,cumpaselector) begin if cumpaselector='0' then cumpaN<=cumpaexp(exp0H downto exp0L); cumpaF<=cumpaq(c3qLH downto c3qLL); else cumpaN<=cumpaexp(exp1H downto exp1L); cumpaF<=cumpaq(c3qHH downto c3qHL); end if; end process cumpaMux; --! chief. chiefProc: process (clk,rst) begin if rst=rstMasterValue then chiefF <= (others => '0'); chiefN <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then chiefF <= cumpaF; chiefN <= cumpaN; zero <= cumpazero; end if; end process chiefProc; chiefShifter: RLshifter generic map(functype,c3width+2,iwidth,owidth) port map( chiefN, chiefF, result); end sqrtdiv_arch;
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