Subversion Repositories simple_uart_for_fpga
[/] [simple_uart_for_fpga/] [trunk/] [source/] [comp/] [uart_tx.vhd] - Rev 2
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROJECT: SIMPLE UART FOR FPGA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MODULE: UART TRANSMITTER -- AUTHORS: Jakub Cabal <jakubcabal@gmail.com> -- lICENSE: The MIT License (MIT) -- WEBSITE: https://github.com/jakubcabal/uart_for_fpga -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity UART_TX is Generic ( PARITY_BIT : string := "none" -- legal values: "none", "even", "odd", "mark", "space" ); Port ( CLK : in std_logic; -- system clock RST : in std_logic; -- high active synchronous reset -- UART INTERFACE UART_CLK_EN : in std_logic; -- oversampling (16x) UART clock enable UART_TXD : out std_logic; -- USER DATA INPUT INTERFACE DATA_IN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); DATA_SEND : in std_logic; -- when DATA_SEND = 1, data on DATA_IN will be transmit, DATA_SEND can set to 1 only when BUSY = 0 BUSY : out std_logic -- when BUSY = 1 transiever is busy, you must not set DATA_SEND to 1 ); end UART_TX; architecture FULL of UART_TX is signal tx_clk_en : std_logic; signal tx_clk_divider_en : std_logic; signal tx_ticks : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal tx_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tx_bit_count : unsigned(2 downto 0); signal tx_bit_count_en : std_logic; signal tx_busy : std_logic; signal tx_parity_bit : std_logic; signal tx_data_out_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); type state is (idle, txsync, startbit, databits, paritybit, stopbit); signal tx_pstate : state; signal tx_nstate : state; begin BUSY <= tx_busy; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UART TRANSMITTER CLOCK DIVIDER -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- uart_tx_clk_divider : process (CLK) begin if (rising_edge(CLK)) then if (tx_clk_divider_en = '1') then if (uart_clk_en = '1') then if (tx_ticks = "1111") then tx_ticks <= (others => '0'); tx_clk_en <= '0'; elsif (tx_ticks = "0001") then tx_ticks <= tx_ticks + 1; tx_clk_en <= '1'; else tx_ticks <= tx_ticks + 1; tx_clk_en <= '0'; end if; else tx_ticks <= tx_ticks; tx_clk_en <= '0'; end if; else tx_ticks <= (others => '0'); tx_clk_en <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UART TRANSMITTER INPUT DATA REGISTER -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- uart_tx_input_data_reg : process (CLK) begin if (rising_edge(CLK)) then if (RST = '1') then tx_data <= (others => '0'); elsif (DATA_SEND = '1' AND tx_busy = '0') then tx_data <= DATA_IN; end if; end if; end process; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UART TRANSMITTER BIT COUNTER -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- uart_tx_bit_counter : process (CLK) begin if (rising_edge(CLK)) then if (RST = '1') then tx_bit_count <= (others => '0'); elsif (tx_bit_count_en = '1' AND tx_clk_en = '1') then if (tx_bit_count = "111") then tx_bit_count <= (others => '0'); else tx_bit_count <= tx_bit_count + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UART TRANSMITTER PARITY GENERATOR -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- uart_tx_parity_g : if (PARITY_BIT /= "none") generate uart_tx_parity_gen_i: entity work.UART_PARITY generic map ( DATA_WIDTH => 8, PARITY_TYPE => PARITY_BIT ) port map ( DATA_IN => tx_data, PARITY_OUT => tx_parity_bit ); end generate; uart_tx_noparity_g : if (PARITY_BIT = "none") generate tx_parity_bit <= 'Z'; end generate; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UART TRANSMITTER OUTPUT DATA REGISTER -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- uart_tx_output_data_reg : process (CLK) begin if (rising_edge(CLK)) then if (RST = '1') then UART_TXD <= '1'; else case tx_data_out_sel is when "01" => -- START BIT UART_TXD <= '0'; when "10" => -- DATA BITS UART_TXD <= tx_data(to_integer(tx_bit_count)); when "11" => -- PARITY BIT UART_TXD <= tx_parity_bit; when others => -- STOP BIT OR IDLE UART_TXD <= '1'; end case; end if; end if; end process; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UART TRANSMITTER FSM -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PRESENT STATE REGISTER process (CLK) begin if (rising_edge(CLK)) then if (RST = '1') then tx_pstate <= idle; else tx_pstate <= tx_nstate; end if; end if; end process; -- NEXT STATE AND OUTPUTS LOGIC process (tx_pstate, DATA_SEND, tx_clk_en, tx_bit_count) begin case tx_pstate is when idle => tx_busy <= '0'; tx_data_out_sel <= "00"; tx_bit_count_en <= '0'; tx_clk_divider_en <= '0'; if (DATA_SEND = '1') then tx_nstate <= txsync; else tx_nstate <= idle; end if; when txsync => tx_busy <= '1'; tx_data_out_sel <= "00"; tx_bit_count_en <= '0'; tx_clk_divider_en <= '1'; if (tx_clk_en = '1') then tx_nstate <= startbit; else tx_nstate <= txsync; end if; when startbit => tx_busy <= '1'; tx_data_out_sel <= "01"; tx_bit_count_en <= '0'; tx_clk_divider_en <= '1'; if (tx_clk_en = '1') then tx_nstate <= databits; else tx_nstate <= startbit; end if; when databits => tx_busy <= '1'; tx_data_out_sel <= "10"; tx_bit_count_en <= '1'; tx_clk_divider_en <= '1'; if ((tx_clk_en = '1') AND (tx_bit_count = "111")) then if (PARITY_BIT = "none") then tx_nstate <= stopbit; else tx_nstate <= paritybit; end if ; else tx_nstate <= databits; end if; when paritybit => tx_busy <= '1'; tx_data_out_sel <= "11"; tx_bit_count_en <= '0'; tx_clk_divider_en <= '1'; if (tx_clk_en = '1') then tx_nstate <= stopbit; else tx_nstate <= paritybit; end if; when stopbit => tx_busy <= '0'; tx_data_out_sel <= "00"; tx_bit_count_en <= '0'; tx_clk_divider_en <= '1'; if (DATA_SEND = '1') then tx_nstate <= txsync; elsif (tx_clk_en = '1') then tx_nstate <= idle; else tx_nstate <= stopbit; end if; when others => tx_busy <= '1'; tx_data_out_sel <= "00"; tx_bit_count_en <= '0'; tx_clk_divider_en <= '0'; tx_nstate <= idle; end case; end process; end FULL;