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// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
// Agreement, Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable
// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
// agreement for further details.
module ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces(
// h2f_reset
output wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_rst_n
// h2f_axi_clock
,input wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_axi_clk
// h2f_axi_master
,output wire [12 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWID
,output wire [30 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWADDR
,output wire [4 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWLEN
,output wire [3 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWSIZE
,output wire [2 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWBURST
,output wire [2 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWLOCK
,output wire [4 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWCACHE
,output wire [3 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWPROT
,output wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWVALID
,input wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_AWREADY
,output wire [12 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_WID
,output wire [32 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_WDATA
,output wire [4 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_WSTRB
,output wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_WLAST
,output wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_WVALID
,input wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_WREADY
,input wire [12 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_BID
,input wire [2 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_BRESP
,input wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_BVALID
,output wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_BREADY
,output wire [12 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARID
,output wire [30 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARADDR
,output wire [4 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARLEN
,output wire [3 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARSIZE
,output wire [2 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARBURST
,output wire [2 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARLOCK
,output wire [4 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARCACHE
,output wire [3 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARPROT
,output wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARVALID
,input wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_ARREADY
,input wire [12 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_RID
,input wire [32 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_RDATA
,input wire [2 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_RRESP
,input wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_RLAST
,input wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_RVALID
,output wire [1 - 1 : 0 ] h2f_RREADY
cyclonev_hps_interface_clocks_resets clocks_resets(
1'b1 // 0:0
1'b1 // 0:0
1'b1 // 0:0
h2f_rst_n[0:0] // 0:0
1'b1 // 0:0
cyclonev_hps_interface_dbg_apb debug_apb(
1'b0 // 0:0
1'b0 // 0:0
cyclonev_hps_interface_tpiu_trace tpiu(
1'b1 // 0:0
cyclonev_hps_interface_boot_from_fpga boot_from_fpga(
1'b0 // 0:0
1'b0 // 0:0
1'b0 // 0:0
1'b0 // 0:0
2'b01 // 1:0
3'b001 // 2:0
cyclonev_hps_interface_fpga2hps fpga2hps(
2'b11 // 1:0
cyclonev_hps_interface_hps2fpga hps2fpga(
2'b00 // 1:0
h2f_ARSIZE[2:0] // 2:0
h2f_WVALID[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_RLAST[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_axi_clk[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_RRESP[1:0] // 1:0
h2f_ARREADY[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_ARPROT[2:0] // 2:0
h2f_ARADDR[29:0] // 29:0
h2f_BVALID[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_ARID[11:0] // 11:0
h2f_BID[11:0] // 11:0
h2f_ARBURST[1:0] // 1:0
h2f_ARCACHE[3:0] // 3:0
h2f_AWVALID[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_WDATA[31:0] // 31:0
h2f_RID[11:0] // 11:0
h2f_RVALID[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_WREADY[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_AWLOCK[1:0] // 1:0
h2f_BRESP[1:0] // 1:0
h2f_ARLEN[3:0] // 3:0
h2f_AWSIZE[2:0] // 2:0
h2f_AWLEN[3:0] // 3:0
h2f_BREADY[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_AWID[11:0] // 11:0
h2f_RDATA[31:0] // 31:0
h2f_AWREADY[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_ARVALID[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_WLAST[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_AWPROT[2:0] // 2:0
h2f_AWADDR[29:0] // 29:0
h2f_WID[11:0] // 11:0
h2f_AWCACHE[3:0] // 3:0
h2f_ARLOCK[1:0] // 1:0
h2f_AWBURST[1:0] // 1:0
h2f_RREADY[0:0] // 0:0
h2f_WSTRB[3:0] // 3:0
cyclonev_hps_interface_fpga2sdram f2sdram(
18'b000000000000000000 // 17:0
6'b000000 // 5:0
16'b0000000000000000 // 15:0
12'b000000000000 // 11:0
16'b0000000000000000 // 15:0
12'b000000000000 // 11:0
18'b000000000000000000 // 17:0
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