
Subversion Repositories xilinx_virtex_fp_library

[/] [xilinx_virtex_fp_library/] [trunk/] [HalfPrecision/] [dsp_unit.vhd] - Rev 2

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-- Company: 
-- Engineer: 
-- Create Date:    16:31:58 02/02/2013 
-- Design Name: 
-- Module Name:    dsp_unit - Behavioral 
-- Project Name: 
-- Target Devices: 
-- Tool versions: 
-- Description: 
-- Dependencies: 
-- Revision: 
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments: 
library IEEE;
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity dsp_unit is
	generic (MULT_REG : natural := 1;
			MULT_STRING : string := "MULT_S");
	port (clk, rst : in std_logic;
			a : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
			b : in std_logic_vector (16 downto 0);
			c : in std_logic_vector (32 downto 0);
			comp : in std_logic; -- 1 for a*b > c ; 0 for a*b <=c
			sub : in std_logic;
			acc : in std_logic; -- 0 for add; 1 for accumulate
			p: out std_logic_vector (35 downto 0);
			pattern_detect : out std_logic;
			ovf, udf : out std_logic);
end dsp_unit;
architecture Behavioral of dsp_unit is
	signal one : std_logic;
	signal zero : std_logic;
	signal opmode : std_logic_vector (6 downto 0);
	signal alumode : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); 
	signal carry_in : std_logic;
	signal a_input : std_logic_vector (29 downto 0);
	signal b_input : std_logic_vector (17 downto 0);
	signal c_input : std_logic_vector (47 downto 0);
	signal p_output: std_logic_vector (47 downto 0);
	one <= '1';
	zero <= '0';
	opmode <= 	"0110101" when acc = '0' else
	alumode <= 	"0000" when sub = '0' else
					"0011" when (sub = '1' and comp = '0') else
	carry_in <= '1' when (sub = '1' and comp = '1') else
	p <= p_output (35 downto 0);
	a_input (29 downto 24) <= (others =>'0');
	a_input (23 downto 0) <= a;
	b_input (17) <= '0';
	b_input (16 downto 0) <= b;
	c_input (47 downto 33) <= (others =>'0');
	c_input (32 downto 0) <= c;
	   DSP48E_inst : DSP48E
			generic map (
				ACASCREG => 1,       -- Number of pipeline registers between 
											-- A/ACIN input and ACOUT output, 0, 1, or 2
				ALUMODEREG => 1,     -- Number of pipeline registers on ALUMODE input, 0 or 1
				AREG => 1,           -- Number of pipeline registers on the A input, 0, 1 or 2
				AUTORESET_PATTERN_DETECT => FALSE, -- Auto-reset upon pattern detect, TRUE or FALSE
				A_INPUT => "DIRECT", -- Selects A input used, "DIRECT" (A port) or "CASCADE" (ACIN port)
				BCASCREG => 1,       -- Number of pipeline registers between B/BCIN input and BCOUT output, 0, 1, or 2
				BREG => 1,           -- Number of pipeline registers on the B input, 0, 1 or 2
				B_INPUT => "DIRECT", -- Selects B input used, "DIRECT" (B port) or "CASCADE" (BCIN port)
				CARRYINREG => 1,     -- Number of pipeline registers for the CARRYIN input, 0 or 1
				CARRYINSELREG => 1,  -- Number of pipeline registers for the CARRYINSEL input, 0 or 1
				CREG => 1,           -- Number of pipeline registers on the C input, 0 or 1
				MASK => "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", -- 48-bit Mask value for pattern detect
				--change from 2 pipeline stages for DSP or 1 pipeline stage for DSP
				MREG => MULT_REG,           -- Number of multiplier pipeline registers, 0 or 1
				MULTCARRYINREG => 1, -- Number of pipeline registers for multiplier carry in bit, 0 or 1
				OPMODEREG => 1,      -- Number of pipeline registers on OPMODE input, 0 or 1
				PATTERN =>"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", -- 48-bit Pattern match for pattern detect
				PREG => 1,           -- Number of pipeline registers on the P output, 0 or 1
				SIM_MODE => "SAFE", -- Simulation: "SAFE" vs "FAST", see "Synthesis and Simulation
										  -- Design Guide" for details
				SEL_MASK => "MASK",  -- Select mask value between the "MASK" value or the value on the "C" port
				SEL_PATTERN => "PATTERN", -- Select pattern value between the "PATTERN" value or the value on the "C" port
				USE_MULT => MULT_STRING, -- Select multiplier usage, "MULT" (MREG => 0), 
											 -- "MULT_S" (MREG => 1), "NONE" (not using multiplier)
				USE_PATTERN_DETECT => "PATDET", -- Enable pattern detect, "PATDET", "NO_PATDET" 
				USE_SIMD => "ONE48") -- SIMD selection, "ONE48", "TWO24", "FOUR12" 
			port map (
				ACOUT => open,  -- 30-bit A port cascade output 
				BCOUT => open,  -- 18-bit B port cascade output
				CARRYCASCOUT => open, -- 1-bit cascade carry output
				CARRYOUT => open, -- 4-bit carry output
				MULTSIGNOUT => open, -- 1-bit multiplier sign cascade output
				OVERFLOW => ovf, -- 1-bit overflow in add/acc output
				P => p_output,          -- 48-bit output
				PATTERNBDETECT => open ,-- 1-bit active high pattern bar detect output
				PATTERNDETECT => pattern_detect , --  1-bit active high pattern detect output
				PCOUT => open,  -- 48-bit cascade output
				UNDERFLOW => udf, -- 1-bit active high underflow in add/acc output
				A => a_input,          -- 30-bit A data input
				ACIN => (others=>'0'),    -- 30-bit A cascade data input
				ALUMODE => alumode, -- 4-bit ALU control input
				B => b_input,          -- 18-bit B data input
				BCIN => (others=>'0'),    -- 18-bit B cascade input
				C => c_input,          -- 48-bit C data input
				CARRYCASCIN => '0', -- 1-bit cascade carry input
				CARRYIN => carry_in, -- 1-bit carry input signal
				CARRYINSEL => "000", -- 3-bit carry select input
				CEA1 => one,      -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for 1st stage A registers
				CEA2 => one,      -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for 2nd stage A registers
				CEALUMODE => one, -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for ALUMODE registers
				CEB1 => one,      -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for 1st stage B registers
				CEB2 => one,      -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for 2nd stage B registers
				CEC => one,      -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for C registers
				CECARRYIN => one, -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for CARRYIN register
				CECTRL => one, -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for OPMODE and carry registers
				CEM => one,       -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for multiplier registers
				CEMULTCARRYIN => one,       -- 1-bit active high clock enable for multiplier carry in register
				CEP => one,       -- 1-bit active high clock enable input for P registers
				CLK => clk,       -- Clock input
				MULTSIGNIN => zero, -- 1-bit multiplier sign input
				OPMODE => opmode, -- 7-bit operation mode input
				PCIN => (others=>'0'),     -- 48-bit P cascade input 
				RSTA => rst,     -- 1-bit reset input for A pipeline registers
				RSTALLCARRYIN => rst, -- 1-bit reset input for carry pipeline registers
				RSTALUMODE => rst, -- 1-bit reset input for ALUMODE pipeline registers
				RSTB => rst,     -- 1-bit reset input for B pipeline registers
				RSTC => rst,     -- 1-bit reset input for C pipeline registers
				RSTCTRL => rst, -- 1-bit reset input for OPMODE pipeline registers
				RSTM => rst, -- 1-bit reset input for multiplier registers
				RSTP => rst  -- 1-bit reset input for P pipeline registers
end Behavioral;

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