Rev |
Log message |
Author |
Age |
Path |
243 |
The Registers BASE+1, BASE+2, BASE+3 are used now for debugging purposes |
jguarin2002 |
4552d 18h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
237 |
corrected errors in raytrac.vhd |
jguarin2002 |
4553d 21h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
234 |
raytrac update nothing major |
jguarin2002 |
4554d 23h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
231 |
nfetch address counter implemented in a whole register for convinience |
jguarin2002 |
4555d 01h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
230 |
RC 1.0 Previous rev(228), is functional and even more than this one, but is bigger and is for debugging |
jguarin2002 |
4560d 03h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
229 |
Total RtEngine Hardware, BUT, problems with interconnection... perhaps theres a problem with long path on ssumando5 |
jguarin2002 |
4561d 03h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
221 |
The change in sqrt and inv is about the path of the files with the data memory. dpc has been changed by ap_n_dpc and there was an error on RayTrac related to the load sync chain: the loading of Dot product Operation was being carried out as if it was an unary operation rather than a two operands operation |
jguarin2002 |
4572d 10h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
219 |
RayTrac: Non tested and witouh TSE |
jguarin2002 |
4572d 13h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
217 |
Raytrac : NS_JULI_DSF_ASM_DMA_120812_18081 : \n+ NIOS 2 Standard\n+ JTAG UART | UART | LCD | I2C TOUCH SCREEN\n+ DDR SDRAM | SSRAM | FLASH \n+ Avalon Memory Mapped Master Interface | Avalon Memory Mapped Slave Interface \n+ Direct Memory Access Support \n+ 18081 logic elements out of 24624 (73%) used |
jguarin2002 |
4572d 17h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
211 |
Raytrac Beta 0.1 with Avalon MM Master & Avalon MM Slave Interfaces. Done\! |
jguarin2002 |
4573d 08h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
202 |
Working towards a DMA oriented RayTRac |
jguarin2002 |
4584d 21h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
196 |
raytrac+sg_dma+raytrac. Step One, the DPC is transformed. Now there are five instructions (check the design document), theres no full queue sync event, there are only four result queues and only 3 add fp 32 b adders rather than 4. Even it seems like a reduction has taken place, decodification efforts take place when decoding multiplexation from arithmetic blocks towards the resulting queues |
jguarin2002 |
4614d 16h |
/raytrac/branches/fp_sgdma/raytrac.vhd |
186 |
Sopc claims that int is a name that conflicts with verilog or vhdl standards, so a change on the int port was made by renaming it to irq |
jguarin2002 |
4640d 01h |
/raytrac.vhd |
181 |
Version beta 0.2 previo a conexion con bus avalon en QSYS/SOPC |
jguarin2002 |
4641d 03h |
/raytrac.vhd |
177 |
Interruptions separated in diferent output ports, so we can assign them as interruptions senders.... each one of them..... |
jguarin2002 |
4665d 14h |
/raytrac.vhd |
172 |
Results fifo writing signals added to the testbench |
jguarin2002 |
4677d 13h |
/raytrac.vhd |
163 |
dpc: Signals to eval in functional simulatio. Fix on the codification of the sign applied into the arithmetic block depending on the UCA code of the instruction being excuted. Also a correction was done on the decodification of the result queues write signals. A correction applied on the decodification of the interruptions generated due to full queues. RayTrac: A signal to decode the sign that goes into the addition operations was made as long with its combinatorial operation to calculate it. Fadd32: Signals to eval in functional simulation. An important bug was fixed when decoding the shift to normalize the mantissa of the float number with the minor exponent, that was causing a misscalculation of the normalized mantissa. Arithpack: Formatting of the instruction at function ap_format_instruction fixed due to a change in the opcodes of the unary instructions. |
jguarin2002 |
4682d 02h |
/raytrac.vhd |
161 |
Changes for the sake of the firsts simulation tracking results |
jguarin2002 |
4683d 17h |
/raytrac.vhd |
160 |
Corrections derived from simulation debugging |
jguarin2002 |
4688d 10h |
/raytrac.vhd |
158 |
Changing std_logic_vector types to my custom far more convinients xfloat32\! |
jguarin2002 |
4690d 00h |
/raytrac.vhd |